
(Not so) Little,

(But a lot of) Style

Purchase your “fit” appt today!

Find your con-fit-dence with outfits curated just for you!

Have a wedding coming up and don’t know what to wear? Has your size changed recently and you are struggling to dress your new body? Are you looking to update your wardrobe with new pieces? Do you just really hate shopping? Let me help! Our “Fit” services will offer you customized guides made just for you that give you direct links to the pieces we recommend. All of the service is done via text so it feels like a friend is working with you to find a look that works for you! Once we have collected all the details we need via text, the guide will be created and sent to you within 7 days! (Quicker services can be offered for an additional cost). If you are struggling with your size or just need help knowing how to shop - hire us for an in-person shop and let us talk you through the process. Questions? Contact us! We are always here to help.


My Therapist: Laura, you really need an outlet for stress.

Me: Like a premium outlet?